Friday, June 28, 2013

Seasonal Colour Palette Challenge (June)

A new summer inspired card for the Seasonal Colour Palette Challenge (June) at Ranger Ink this week using Distress Inks: Chipped Sapphire, Stormy Sky, aged Mahogany and Pumice Stone.  Let's just say the colours portray more a British summer than a Maltese one. Spiced marmalade, fired brick and mustard seed would do better in that case, might have a go at that actually.

The stamped image was sent to me as a RAK so am not sure what it is but thought it fits the bill perfectly.  The seashell is from a San Francisco Bay and reminds me of a day collecting shells with my cousins when I was in the US.

1 comment:

Desire Fourie said...

Just so pretty and the shell is a nice touch.
Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}